Donnerstag, 24. Mai 2018

Erin Watt

 Erin Watt - die Autorinnen hinter dem Pseudonym

Hallo, ich habe ein "Interview" mit Erin Watt durchgeführt und habe hier mal ein paar Informationen vorab gesammelt:

Zunächst sollte man wissen, dass Erin Watt ein Pseudonym ist, das sich die zwei amerikanischen Bestsellerautorinnen ausgedacht haben. Jen Frederick und Elle Kennedy haben die "Paper-Reihe" als ihr erstes gemeinsames Projekt durchgeführt und damit sofort die Bestsellerliste gestürmt. Aber das sind nicht ihre einzigen Bücher.

  1. I want to know who is/are the persons behind Erin Watt (for example it can be a pseudonym for a group of womans)?

Erin Watt is comprised of Jen Frederick & Elle Kennedy, who both write separately on their own, but decided to come together as Erin Watt to write something completely different. The name itself came from a combination of our two favorite American football players – Aaron Rodgers & J.J. Watt.

  1. How did you get the different ideas for the Paper Books?

We had actually plotted Paper Princess by accident while we were in a text exchange. It started with us discussing our mutual desire to write an over-the-top drama, and we started throwing ideas around. It’s really what brought us together.

The rest of the books… the great thing about writing with another person is there’s never a shortage of ideas. It makes the possibilities endless.

  1. What are your hobbys or is author your fulltimejob (Maybe you can Write me your hobbys)?

Elle writes full-time as an author. Jen has a day job that she loves, but writes every chance she gets – so it’s definitely like having another full-time job. We can say we’re both obsessed with reading and American football 😉

  1. Did you have a favourite Charakter from the Paper books (and other books)? For example I really like Easton. 

It’s really hard for us to pick a favorite character, as each one of them has something special about them. Reed was always the protector, no matter how broken he was. Easton’s always the life of the party, even though he’s so sad inside. Ella has fierce determination and has always tried to strive for what’s right. Each one of them either has a piece of ourselves in them, or a piece of what we’d like to see more of in ourselves.

  1. Are you a person (persons) who often read or did you only read your own Storys?

We’re both very avid readers! If we could build and live in massive libraries we probably would.

  1. Have you got favourite Music (for example when you write) and which did you like Most?

Though we’re both into music (Elle loves 80s rock and Jen’s a big fan of K-Pop), we actually require silence to write. We try to incorporate music into other aspects of our lives as much as we can, though!

  1. Was author your Dream Job when you were a Child? Or what was it?

Elle always knew she wanted to be a writer, and pretty much worked towards that goal since she was a small child. Jen discovered her love of writing after she took part in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), which is a challenge to write a novel during the month of November.

  1. Why did you chose the Piper Verlag?

It’s really more they chose us! They approached us about publishing the Royals series in Germany, and Elle had prior experience with them (they also published her Off-Campus series), so it was an easy choice. We’re absolutely thrilled with everything they’ve done to promote our books and help connect us with our readers.

  1. Are you also sometimes frustrated by writing a New Book/Story?

Every new book and story has its challenges! Sometimes it’s the difficulty in coming up with the storyline, sometimes it’s finding the words to express exactly what you want to convey. We’re very lucky we write together – you always have someone you can bounce ideas off of, or help you when you’re stuck. It really cuts down on the frustration!

  1. Last but not least: Have you got bigger dreams (or also other dreams)? And which are they? Did you like to be famous? And was did a dream of you? 

Right now our dreams are to just keep writing! We both love what we do, and intend to continue as long as we’re able. And maybe travel – who can say no to beach time?

An dieser Stelle möchte ich "Erin Watt" danken für das Interview.

Hier kommt ihr zu meinem Lesetagebuch zu Paper Princess.

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